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Forever Thankful


Forever Thankful


It started with a trip half-way around the world.

It was a huge leap of faith. Yet, for some reason, it felt like the perfect thing to do. We'd just met, really, but that trip changed everything. In a land that was as strange as it was beautiful, we lived a hundred years in a few short weeks. 

It was a trip that changed my life.

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falling in love

falling in love


In love with not only the most amazing woman I've ever met, but also with her daughter. 

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And three become one

And three become one


The magical day we promised each other forever.

Looking back on that amazing February night now, 4 years later, I realize that what was most important was the way we were together. Together as we worked as a team, planning an event we would remember forever. While we were picking the flavor of the cake, deciding on the color for flowers, designing invitations, and planning our dinner menu, it was effortless. I don't mean easy. I mean truly effortless. 

It was then that I realized that I am better with you. We are just better together. And our first major event together was a day and night I will cherish forever.

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growing our family

growing our family


Our kids have the greatest Mother in the world. 

I have always felt incredibly lucky to share my life with you. But now, it's bigger than me. It's about our children being lucky. Lucky to have you as their mother. It has been the greatest joy of my life watching our children grow, together with you as my partner. 



building our perfect life: The first four years

building our perfect life: The first four years


The first four years served to build an unshakeable foundation.

I believe in soulmates. I always have. And I truly believe that you are mine and I am yours.

What an amazing first 4 years it was.


Growth, Resilience, and…Travel!

Growth, Resilience, and…Travel!


Traveling to new heights. Together.

What a wild ride these years together were. We sold our first home together. And we moved onward and upward. We faced some of the most trying, difficult times in our marriage, and some of the most exciting. We traveled the globe ‘round, and because of the superpower that is us, we showed our girls the most amazing places on earth. I cannot thank you enough for helping us to spend these amazing years the way we did. I would never have done it without you. Thanks for choosing me as your travel partner—in life and on planes.



Surviving a global pandemic, together.

Surviving a global pandemic, together.


Even the hard times are better with you.

You, as always, stepped up for our family during the unthinkable. This was a difficult time—but one where I remember being constantly amazed by your ability to think outside the box, push forward, think for yourself, encourage us to be better. I know this was perhaps the most difficult time for our marriage. I am sorry. I am so grateful, today, that we made it through.



Let’s blow this taco stand

Let’s blow this taco stand


There’s no one I’d rather navigate an international move with.

Coming off the back of Covid, one might think it’s time to do normal things. But not us. One of the things I love most about you—about us—is that we keep pushing normal. We had teo amazing years in Mexico—we watched our girls become fluent in another language, watched them adapt and thrive, faced challenges that most don’t ever face in a lifetime, felt emotions never felt before, saw some of the most beautiful places on earth, and called paradise home while growing a business to new heights. Only you and me baby could make it happen. Only you and me.



Putting down roots

Putting down roots


After 11 years, it’s now time to start our forever.

Our next chapter comes full circle, and centers back on us. On you and me, where this journey started 11 years ago. It’s time for us to put down roots and define what it means to be “us”—all over again.

I guess I’ve always had a feeling about what being married for a long time was like. I always imagined that it must be just kind of..”whatever.” Two people, going through the motions, settled into the idea of their life together. Just living.

For me, this is not that. You are not that. We are not that.

I love you more today than I ever have. I am more excited for this next chapter than any other that came before. And I am more proud to call you my wife than ever before. I feel energized. I feel grateful. I feel excited. I feel nervous. I feel motivated. I feel supported. I feel…deeply in love with you.


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forever thankful

forever thankful


Above all else, I simply want to thank you.

Thank you for being an amazing wife. Thank you for being my ever-supportive business partner. Thank you for believing in me and our family and working so hard to make our family, and me, stronger. Thank you for being a devoted mother that makes me a better father.
Thank you for being you. 


And most of all... thank you for choosing me.
I am forever thankful to call you my wife.